Monday, April 6, 2009

Articles by Zin

Who Are You? Shiva

I thought
it would be significant to clarify my political stance.
After years of research, I have come to the realization that the political parties both Republican and Democrat are the same. I know this will be hard for some to swallow. This requires you to let go of a belief system you have been spoon feed all your life.

There is right and wrong but nether party entirely encompasses either.

The two parties have become a way to divide and conquer the people of a Republic. We are not a Democracy. This nation was founded a Republic and it still is regardless of the the rhetoric from the lost.

This means that the substantial power of the people is focused at the state level. This is were democracy has it's place. But like everything... in mans nature.... there resides a deep need to exploit everything he touches. I know that this nature to exploit is the prime factor of the reason why we find ourselves at the end of an empire and the beginning of a consciousness shift.

Democracy is a majority rule. So, with this mode of thinking, 51% can tell the other 49% what to do. Then when you add in the exploitation factor that the 1% has used to control the 50%.... then what we have is Fascism.

US House Fascism

Notice the
Fasces on each side of the U.S. Flag.


The message here is that "YOU ARE SURROUNDED BY FASCIST".

Do I believe in Right wing or Left wing agendas?
Do I believe in Capitalism?
Do I believe in Democracy?
Do I believe in Republics?

What the real question you should be asking yourself is this.... " WHY DO YOU?"



Choice.... Your Divine Power

There is a law of the universe and it cannot be broken. And that law is balance. Those who have chosen the path of greed........ they push.

What they do not understand is that as they push... it causes OUR consciousness to elevate as they deplete their own.

Man has been given an awesome power to wield. That power is the power of choice. This is the prime reason we are here.

Choice is yours.

There are those who wish to control EVERY choice you would make... FOR YOU. This goes against the law the creator has set into place.... and it will not be allowed to over take those of us who chose it not to.

Even the creator will not interfere with your power of choice. This is called FREEWILL.

You have the freewill that the creator has bestowed you.

Your own power of choice can condemn you..... or it can free your consciousness..... it's your choice which way you go......

So my friends.....practice choosing wisely......

"The strongest principle of growth lies in human choice."
George Eliot
English novelist (1819 - 1880)

"It's choice - not chance - that determines your destiny."
Jean Nidetch

"If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is a compromise."
Robert Fritz

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